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  • 09/14/2021 10:36 AM | Anonymous

    Submitted by Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, MD, FACHM, MAPWCA, CHWS.

    This demonstrates which wound characteristic?
    A. Tunneling
    B. Undermining
    C. Depth
    D. Epiboly
    E. Necrotic Margin

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays every Wednesday! 

  • 09/09/2021 1:12 PM | Anonymous

    The APWCA is excited to share our partnership with vTail! The vTail application was designed by Wound Care Industry Experts specifically for Wound Care Clinicians like ourselves. The app’s main purpose is to provide more efficient communications between clinicians and wound care manufacturing companies. For every person that downloads the app - vTail will donate $25 to the APWCA. Downloading this app ​​will help APWCA to continue to offer education and outreach to members and bolster the offerings at Wound Week in Philadelphia next February! Use the QR code or below or this link to download the app today. https://join.vtail.co/apwca.

  • 09/07/2021 12:42 PM | Anonymous

    Submitted by Christopher L. Barrett, DPM, CWS, FAPWCA.

    According to the TIME principle of wound bed preparation, what barrier to wound healing does M represent?

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays every Wednesday!

  • 08/31/2021 10:02 AM | Anonymous

    Submitted by Cheryl Carver, LPN, WCC, CWCA, DAPWCA, FACCWS. Image provided by Selvam J. Watts from Chennai, India.

    Which is true regarding darker skin tones?

    A. People with darker skin tones develop higher stage pressure ulcers.
    B. Consider variances in skin tone color when assessing skin.
    C. The perceptions of people with dark skin tones are under-examined.
    D. Current skin assessment protocols are less effective for people who have darker skin tones
    E. All the above

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays every Wednesday!

  • 08/26/2021 9:54 AM | Anonymous

    Wound Week 2022 is happening February 24-27 at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel! To be a sponsor or exhibitor at the event (or for more information) go to https://www.apwca.org/ww22exhibitors-sponsors or e-mail exhibits@apwca.org today.

  • 08/24/2021 9:36 AM | Anonymous

    Submitted by Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, MD, FACHM, MAPWCA, CHWS.

    The BEST description of the wound base is:

    A. Filiform Fibrin
    B. Edematous Carboxymethylcellulose
    C. Free Range Myiasis

    D. Ascariasis Diabetica

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 08/19/2021 10:45 AM | Anonymous

    The call for abstracts portal is open for Wound Week 2022! The submission deadline is Sunday, October 31 at 11:59pm (CST) and author notification of acceptance or rejection will occur by email to the presenting authors on Monday, November 15, 2021, at 11:59 pm (CST).

    Click here for more information.

  • 08/18/2021 9:36 AM | Anonymous

    Submitted by Christopher L. Barrett, DPM, CWS, FAPWCA. 

    In the Proliferative stage of acute wound healing, tissue regeneration relies primarily on the activity of this cell:

    A. Macrophage
    B. Fibroblast
    C. Neutrophil
    D. Protease

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 08/10/2021 2:05 PM | Anonymous

    Submitted by Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, MD, FACHM, MAPWCA, CHWS.

    This presentation should raise suspicion for which of the following?

    A.Preauricular cellulitis 
    B.Anterior Extension of Ulcerative Mastoiditis
    C.Atypical Ulceration
    D.Fulminant Otitis Externa

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 08/03/2021 2:34 PM | Anonymous

    Submitted by Mark Melin, MD, FACS, RPVI, FACCWS.

    Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction (MPFF) are beneficial in treating venous leg ulcerations due to:

    A. Improvement of lymphatic tone
    B. Improved red blood cell deformability
    C. Decreased ICAM and VCAM biomarkers
    D. All of the above
    E. A and C

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

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