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  • 04/28/2021 10:40 AM | Deleted user

    Your APWCA collaborated with the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders to submit comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in support of the National Coverage Decision (NCD)for Autologous Blood-Derived Products for Chronic Non-Healing Wounds.

  • 04/27/2021 9:30 AM | Deleted user

    Submitted by Cheryl Carver, LPN, WCC, CWCA, FACCWS, DAPWCA

    Which type of debridement methods can be used in biofilm management?

    A. BEAMS
    B. Conservative sharp debridement
    C. Autolysis
    D. All the above

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 04/20/2021 10:52 AM | Deleted user

    Submitted by Cheryl Carver, LPN, WCC, CWCA, FACCWS, DAPWCA

    A chronic wound can be defined as:

    A. A wound with slow progression that is interrupted by only intrinsic factors.
    B. A wound that has a slow progression through the healing phases, delayed or stalled healing due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors that impact on the individual and their wound.
    C. Chronic non-healing wounds are wounds that have failed to progress through a timely sequential of repairment.

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 04/13/2021 11:26 AM | Deleted user

    Submitted by Jeffrey A. Niezgoda, MD, FACHM, MAPWCA, CHWS

    This open wound shows granulation tissue developing on exposed bone. What is BEST explanation for this physiology?

    A. Indicates the presence of malignancy
    B. Suggests active osteomyelitis
    C. Occurs only with an intact viable periosteum
    D. Represents a genetic aberranc
    E. Likely due to prior grafting with CTP

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 04/06/2021 10:47 AM | Deleted user

    Submitted by Cheryl Carver, LPN, WCC, CWCA, FACCWS, DAPWCA

    What types of skin manifestations have been reported in frontline workers due to wearing PPE for extended periods of time?

    A. Acne, rash
    B. Aggravation of dermatoses
    C. Skin breakdown nasal bridge, ears, and face
    D. All the above

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 03/30/2021 11:27 AM | Deleted user

    Submitted by Christopher L. Barrett, DPM, CWS, FAPWCA

    Patient is a 90-year-old female with a non-contributory PMH who initially presented to the outpatient wound department with a trauma-induced right anterior leg wound in January of 2017. Non-invasive arterial testing demonstrated and right ABI of 1.07, a TBI of .48 and mild dampening of the pulse volume tracings. The wound required six months of compression and local care, including cellular and/or tissue-based products (CTP) to heal. The patient returned two months after initial discharge complaining that the wound appeared healed but was still painful and somewhat pruritic. Venous reflux study was negative and she was referred to her PCP for follow-up. The patient again returned to the outpatient wound department in August of 2020 after suffering mild trauma to the same location as the previously healed wound. After four months of care the wound appeared healed only to have the patient return one month later in January of 2021 stating the wound had gradually reappeared.

    A. Compression therapy
    B. Repeat non-invasive arterial studies
    C. Wound biopsy
    D. Debridement and CTP application(s)


    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 03/24/2021 9:37 AM | Deleted user

    APWCA collaborated with the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders to submit comment to CMS’ Proposed CY2021 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System. In these comments, we requested that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy be added to the list of services that require direct supervision.


  • 03/23/2021 10:33 AM | Deleted user

    Submitted by Cheryl Carver, LPN, WCC, CWCA, FACCWS, DAPWCA

    Wounds connected with infection can include:

    A. Necrotizing Fasciitis
    B. Fournier’s gangrene
    C. Actinomycosis
    D. Cellulitis
    E. All the above

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 03/16/2021 11:09 AM | Deleted user

    Submitted by Richard E. Schlanger, MD, PhD, FAPWCA, CWSP, FACS

    This is a 58-year-old gentleman who is a truck driver by trade. He reported to his local emergency room because of general malaise, joint pain and a swollen left shoulder. According to the admission record, there were no unusual findings including no injuries, cuts and bruises. Over the next 12 hours the patient declined fairly quickly becoming hypotensive, tachycardic and required pressor support. He was transported by air to a medical center and taken emergently to the OR because of skin changes and loss of pulse and sensation. At the time of surgery most of the distal vessels were thrombosed and the muscle look like it was “cooked".

    The most likely diagnosis is:

    A. Septic emboli
    B. Soft tissue necrosis
    C. Compartment syndrome
    D. Rattlesnake bite

    Check your answer at apwca.org/trivia-tuesdays.

  • 03/10/2021 11:12 AM | Deleted user

    APWCA collaborated with the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders to submit comment to CMS’ Proposed CY2021 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System. In these comments, we supported inclusion of synthetic CTPs in the definition of “skin substitutes” but expressed significant concerns with the Agency’s proposed establishment of the code C1849 (“Skin substitute, synthetic, resorbable skin substitute per square centimeter) to define an entire class of non- branded products and its placement in the OPPS high cost payment package. The Alliance reviewed the impacts of this code as proposed and submitted a number of alternative recommendations.


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