The APWCA Board of Directors has reviewed the new NPUAP staging system. Additionally, we have reviewed responses from allied professional organizations, which have included commentary in support of as well as opposition to the new nomenclature presented by the NPUAP. The Board applauds the dedication and the continued effort that the NPUAP has consistently delivered to enhance and promote the quality of care provided to patients with pressure ulcers. The APWCA is confident that all issued statements and positions are well intended and primarily founded on patient centric motivations.
The APWCA is devoted to the best practice clinical algorithms, which include regulatory and policy guidance. As an organization committed to evidence-based best practice, we recognize that clinical standards, policy and nomenclature will change over time. Evolution in medicine and wound healing is based on new evidenced-based science, novel technology and an improved understanding of wound healing physiology.
The APWCA is a membership-based organization with thousands of talented and skilled wound healing experts. To issue a position statement without allowing our membership the opportunity for discussion and debate on this important topic would be inconsistent with the core principles of the APWCA. As an organization, we plan to fully explore and deliberate the changes in the very near future. Once we have accomplished our due diligence and allowed our membership to voice their opinions, we will join our colleagues and sister professional societies and issue a position statement. The APWCA will attempt to provide positive feedback and suggestions to improve and enhance the NPUAP staging system. In order to accomplish this goal, the APWCA Board of Directors will be sending a survey to all of the members to query your feedback on this important topic.
Click here to view/download our full position statement.
American Professional Wound Care Association